Inulin fiber是什么?

Fiber is "the new protein", according to market research firms. But it could also be the new pain in your stomach.


If you're like most Americans, you're trying to add more fiber to your diet. That's a good thing, because the average American gets only half the recommended amount of fiber each day.


Manufacturers are responding to consumers' wishes by adding fiber to a plethora of foods and beverages, including cereals, energy bars, protein supplements, "healthier" cookies, diet ice cream and even bottled water.



One of the most prevalent fiber-boosting ingredients is inulin. Like any fiber, it can cause gas, bloating and abdominal pain if consumed too quickly or in large quantities. Many of my clients who have complained about digestive discomfort don't realize how much inulin they're consuming each day. Most of them have never even heard of it.


Here's what you should know about inulin, including how much you need and how to determine how much you are getting.

Inulin fiber是什么?

What is inulin?


Inulin is a type of prebiotic, a substance that's used by the microorganisms in your digestive tract and positively influences health. At this point, there is evidence that three prebiotics can provide health benefits: inulin, also referred to as long-chain inulin; fructooligosaccharide (FOS), a short-chain inulin that's also called oligofructose, and galactooligosaccharide (GOS).


Both inulin and FOS are extracted from chicory root fiber, a natural dietary fiber that is extracted using hot water from a plant that's part of the dandelion family. GOS is produced from lactose, which is sourced from animals. It also isn't as well-studied as the other two.


Inulin is also found in smaller amounts in whole wheat and some vegetables and fruits, such as asparagus, garlic and bananas. Data from 1999 (the most recent available) puts the average American intake of inulin naturally occurring in food at 2.5 to 3.5 grams a day.


Longer-chain inulin has a creamy mouthfeel, so it's often used to help reduce the fat content in products. Short-chain inulin (FOS) tastes slightly sweet, so it's used to help reduce some of the sugar and sugar substitutes in foods and beverages.


Inulin supplements and some foods and beverages will use a blend of short- and longer-chain inulin. These blends are also commonly used in research.

Inulin fiber是什么?


Digestivepros and cons


Chicory root fiber passes through your small intestine and then is fermented by the bacteria in your large intestine. As noted above, taking in too much too quickly can lead to digestive discomfort - which can happen with any fiber. In addition, some people seem to be more sensitive to inulin and FOS than others, and may need to limit their consumption.


Inulin does have some digestive benefits. A blend of short- and long-chain inulin has been shown to reduce discomfort and help with constipation. The fiber increases the amounts of beneficial Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli bacteria in the gut.


The European Food Safety Association has approved the claim that consuming at least 12 grams of chicory inulin or FOS a day eases constipation. (There isn't enough research to state this about GOS.)


Inulin fiber是什么?

Other health benefits


Inulin and FOS also may reduce our calorie intake and blood-sugar levels and increase calcium absorption.


Chicory root fiber seems to slow down stomach emptying and suppresses appetite signals in the brain, which could help you eat less. In small studies, adults and children of both normal and excess weight who took a supplement of 12 to 16 grams a day consumed fewer calories.


A weight-loss study of 44 people with pre-diabetes who were receiving counseling from a dietitian found that the group taking inulin supplements for 18 weeks had a weight loss of 7.6 percent of body weight, compared with a weight loss of 4.9 percent in the group taking cellulose, another type of fiber.


Inulin also seems to lower glucose and insulin levels after meals in average-weight and overweight people. And a study of 49 women with Type 2 diabetes found that taking 10 grams of inulin a day compared with 10 grams of maltodextrin (a refined carbohydrate) over eight weeks was associated with a significant reduction in fasting blood sugar and A1C (an average of blood sugars over three months) and insulin levels.


Though these findings are exciting, there needs to be more research on the effects of inulin on individuals with pre-diabetes and Type 2 diabetes to know whether it can be helpful in these populations.


Regarding calcium, research suggests that getting 8 grams of chicory root fiber a day improves absorption. Chicory root fiber makes the colon more acidic, which increases the surface area that can absorb nutrients and makes more proteins that bind to calcium.


A year-long randomized control trial in 100 adolescents conducted at the Agriculture Department's Children's Nutrition Research Center at the Baylor College of Medicine found that the teens taking 8 grams a day of chicory root fiber had higher levels of calcium absorption and higher bone mineral density, showing that the additional calcium that was absorbed was deposited into bone.


Inulin fiber是什么?

How much inulin to aim for

In prehistoric times - when we were eating far more vegetables and gnawing at roots - it's estimated that our ancestors consumed about 135 grams of inulin a day. I wouldn't recommend aiming for those levels, given what our digestive levels are now accustomed. But we can realistically reach much lower levels that promote health benefits.


Based on research, aim for 5 grams of inulin a day to boost the growth of the probiotic Bifidobacteria in your gut. For better calcium absorption, make sure you're taking it with vitamin D. Then you can think about whether chicory root fiber is something that could enhance your diet.




通常来说,健康成年人每日额外补充的可溶性膳食纤维部分,可按以下标准摄入:菊粉≤15 克,多聚果糖(长链菊粉)≤8.4 克1



Agave inulin 是什么?

有機龍舌蘭菊寡糖一種益生元纖維(或稱菊粉),屬於果聚醣的一種。 歐盟在1993年將菊寡糖列為歐洲健康食物發展計劃的食材之一,現時全球幾乎所有國家衛生局已通過它為健康食品採用的添加劑。