
Sundays have a pleasant, relaxing routine too them. There is nothing that has to be done since most of the "chores" for the week such as laundry, grocery shopping and house cleaning have all been completed on Saturday. This makes Sunday feel like the ultimate relaxation day because all of the tasks that hang over my head during the rest of the week are actually complete on Sunday!

While I believe in God, I do not go to church, so there is never any rush to start the day on Sunday. Being a "morning person" by nature though I am usually awake and going by 7:30 at the latest...

If we are home we have a pretty set routine for Sunday. Mike usually picks up a Chicago Tribune and donuts or we make breakfast at home. I just find such peace in reading the newspaper and eating a leisurely breakfast. We usually have my parents over for lunch so I spend the rest of the morning p utzing around the kitchen preparing lunch for all of us. I enjoy cooking and it is a nice way to spend some time with my parents.

In the afternoon I usually spend a lot of quality time with my computer. I have a chance to catch-up on any blogs I didn't have time to read earlier in the week and to just surf the internet. To me, this is the ultimate indulgence!

Dinner usually consists of take-out or, if Mike and I are feeling really motivated, we might make a nice dinner on Sunday night together. This is nice because if on week nights I am typically in charge of dinner since I am home so much earlier than Mike. After dinner we usually watch a movie or TV series that we have rented from Netflix and head to bed early. A Sunday at home always leaves me feeling refreshed and ready to start the week.

If we aren't home, we are usually at Mike's parents, which also starts with a Tribune and a yummy breakfast. If we are lucky we go out for brunch when we are there at Egg Harbor, which is amazing. Then we make the 5 hour trek home. And while I don't enjoy riding in the car, it does give Mike and I lots of time to talk which is always nice. We usually arrive home around mid-afternoon and unpack. Then our routine picks up where it would on a typical Sunday.

I think I enjoy Sundays so much not only because they are relaxing but also because I know what to expect. I'm a girl of routine as well...

英文是SPM(马来西亚教育文凭)中的一个必考科目。此试卷会由马来西亚考试局(LMP)、剑桥大学考试委员会(UCLES)以及剑桥大学英语评估机构(CELA)一同批改,因此,考生可以拿到另外一张由剑桥大学颁发的GCE O-Level文凭。SPM English Paper 1 Section A和Section B是对考生写作能力的考察。接下来Workessay就向大家介绍一些SPM Essay的应试技巧。同时还会为大家提供一些写作范例,帮助大家更好的了解SPM English的试卷形式。

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文章目录 隐藏

1 Paper 1 Section A

1.1 Formal Letter

1.2 Informal Letter

1.3 Talk/Speech

1.4 Report

2 Paper 1 Section B

3 SPM Essay常用连接词及其功能

Paper 1 Section A

在SPM English考试的Paper 1 Section A中,需要在约45分钟的时间内完成一篇Directed Writing。在Section A中可能出现的文章种类有Formal Letter、Informal Letter、Report、Article和Talk/Speech。大家在写作前,一定要仔细阅读题目的要求,写作内容一定要涵盖题目的所有要求。

Formal Letter

在一封Formal Letter中,首先要写明寄信人的姓名和地址,收信人的姓名和地址以及日期。信的主题内容可以采用标题(Heading)加分段式结构。在Heading中点明信件的主题。



Informal Letter

Informal Letter的考点包括寄信人的姓名和地址,日期和称呼等。结尾(Closing)中需要对信件内容进行概括。











Paper 1 Section B

SPM English的Paper 1 Section B考察的是大家写Continuous Writing(材料作文)的能力。大约需要一个小时来成。这部分会出现的文章种类有Narrative、Argumentative、Descriptive和Factual。考生需要在题目中选择一个文体,写一篇约350字的文章。

接下来为大家介绍一些应对Section B的技巧:

  • 开始写作前,一定要把所有供选择的题目通读一遍。有的考生阅读完第一个题目,就开始写作。还有的考生,读到了自认为比较简单的题目就开始写作。这些做法都是不可取的。在SPM English考试中,一定要读完所有题目之后再进行选择。
  • 选择题目的过程中,要考虑自己对哪个题目最熟悉,哪个题目是自己真实经历过的。选择自己最熟悉的题目,可以使文章的内容更加丰满。
  • 选择题目时要衡量自己的语言能力,选择自己能够胜任的题目。对于写作能力相对较弱的考生来说,Narrative是最好的选择。
  • 选择好自己要写的文体后,要开始构思自己的文章。构思过程中主要考虑文章的结构和观点。如果选择写Argument或者Factual,还要考虑要用哪些论据来支撑自己的观点。
  • 切忌使用单一句式。要在文章中灵活使用简单句,复合句和复杂句。语言能力较强的考生,在能力允许的范围内,尽量多使用后面两种句式。除了句式要灵活外,句子的长度也要有变化。例如,几个长句子后,使用一个较短的简单句,反而能使文章更加精彩。
  • 选词非常重要。考生要有分辨意思相近的词汇间细微差别的能力。
  • 字迹一定要清晰工整。字迹过小或者过于潦草都会给评分者留下非常不好的印象。
  • 文章段落要清晰,段落之间要空出一行,方便评分者阅读。



SPM Essay常用连接词及其功能


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