Urchin 中文

The hyaline layer is a collagen-containing extracellular matrix in sea urchin embryos and reaggregating cells.

The sea urchin egg is a model for such studies.

Good candidates may be the yolk platelets, acidic vesicles and pigment granules, all of which are present in sea urchin eggs.

A variety of methods has been developed to prevent formation of fertilisation membranes in sea urchin eggs.

A localized zone of increased conductance progresses over the surface of the sea urchin egg during fertilization.

In animal systems, studies on the activation of sea urchin and clam eggs have also found changes in enzyme activity and location.

In the present study about 20% of mouse oocytes were activated following injection of 10 sea urchin spermatozoa.

Localisation of fluorescently labelled calmodulin in living sea urchin eggs during early development.


(sea urchin剑桥英语-中文(繁体)词典的翻译 © Cambridge University Press)

sea urchin例句

sea urchin

Spatial characteristics of calcium transients associated with mitosis entry in early sea urchin embryos.

For example, in sea urchin oocytes, calciuminduced cortical granule exocytosis leads to the formation of a zygote with a mosaic plasma membrane.

Good candidates may be the yolk platelets, acidic vesicles and pigment granules, all of which are present in sea urchin eggs.

Among them, a2 and a5 were also present on in vitro preparations of sea urchin egg cortices.

Activation of amino acid uptake at fertilization in the sea urchin egg.

Why did sea urchin spermatozoa activate foreign (mouse) oocytes, but not the eggs of the same species?

In animal systems, studies on the activation of sea urchin and clam eggs have also found changes in enzyme activity and location.

Isolation and biological activity of the proteins released by sea urchin eggs following fertilization.



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But if the urchin population explodes, the kelp could disappear.

但如果海胆数量剧增 海藻就会消失

So when the fish control the urchin population, the ocean was restored to its natural equilibrium.


This barefoot urchin dares to woo my royal eldest daughter?

你这个赤脚顽童 竟敢求见我的大女儿

The novel tells the story of Riccetto, a street urchin to whom the audience is first introduced during his Confirmation and First Communion.


I just got back from looking for Donna San Francisco's psychedelic urchin

(找了又找 旧金山市的迷幻淘气鬼)

even though the ungrateful urchin does nothing to contribute to the rent.


You're not the problem urchin I thought you were.


An often homeless girl who roams about the streets; an urchin.


Her hands were small and brown, an urchin's hands.

她那双手很小,有点淡褐色, 简直就是一双顽童的手.

The Neapolitan street urchin's implied violence still hovers over the interaction, but now the justice and retribution feels more karmic.


This is some kind of payback because I wouldn't eat the urchin the other time?

因为上次我不肯吃 你给我的海胆,对吧?

Presently a small boy came walking along the path-an urchin of nine or ten.

一会儿, 一个小男孩儿沿着小径走来-一个九岁或十岁左右的淘气鬼。

Holdfasts are extremely tough, but each urchin has five teeth, which are self sharpening and are replaced every few months.

固着器非常坚硬 但是每只海胆有5个锋利的牙齿,而且每隔几个月就换牙

The urchin plague strikes at the kelp's holdfasts their crucial attachments to the rock.

海胆们正在吃巨藻的固着器 -把巨藻固定在石头上的重要装置

A friend of mine named Paul received an automobile from his brother as Christmas present. On Christmas eve, when Paul came out of his office, a street urchin was looking around the shining new car, admiring it.


But they have a common characteristic: the ability to make people think. War is fear, but he hopes to "create" beautiful, exciting photos. The 64 year old "old urchin" leven


In the mirror he could still see the street urchin he had once been before the chanciest of great chances had dictated his meeting with Hari and Dors.

在镜子里,他仍看得见当年那个街头顽童的影子。 直到天大的幸运降临,让他巧遇谢顿

But when the fish came back and began predating and controlling the urchin population, low and behold, kelp forests emerged in shallow water.


There is the Chrystal who, as Dean of the Faculty of Arts, advises the timid urchin hesitating on the threshold of his academic career, or guides the inexperienced footsteps of students as they face out into the unknown world.


So to biology brain, physicist brain, adrenaline brain, warm-blooded-mammal brain, I get to add "urchin brain," with all of the superpowers that that confers.



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