擅長 捉弄 人 的 高木 同學 8


★高木同學和西片結婚了!? 令人毫不意外的外傳登場!













  • ISBN:9786263167179
  • 叢書系列:SPP青年館
  • 規格:平裝 / 144頁 / 12.5 x 18 x 1.12 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣
  • 本書分類:漫畫/圖文書> 戀愛故事> 男性向



  • 擅長 捉弄 人 的 高木 同學 8







擅長 捉弄 人 的 高木 同學 8

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擅長 捉弄 人 的 高木 同學 8

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擅長 捉弄 人 的 高木 同學 8

Muchas bromas le hace Takagi a Nishikata en este volumen. Este manga siempre es una delicia leerlo, te hace reir

擅長 捉弄 人 的 高木 同學 8

2020 Read #700

This series continues to be cute and fluffy, and it was just what I needed when I read it.

擅長 捉弄 人 的 高木 同學 8

This book never does anything to reinvent the wheel, but I give it a lot of credit for still being so fun and affectionate despite reiterating on the same theme practically every single chapter.

That it isn’t stale this many volumes in is worthy of note and makes for a feel-good read every time.

擅長 捉弄 人 的 高木 同學 8

Takagi is back to being a teasing monster.

Story: ★★★½☆
Art: ★★★★☆

This volume had some highlights that stood out for me. “Nurses office” was a sweet chapter, and I enjoyed “Gym shed” & “skipping rocks”. However, I am growing tired of the relationship never going anywhere. That’s a funny thing to say since they’re in middle school and there’s nowhere for the relationship to go! However, I prefer the volumes where Takagi is aware that her teasing is getting in the way of them getting closer. This

Takagi is back to being a teasing monster.

Story: ★★★½☆
Art: ★★★★☆

This volume had some highlights that stood out for me. “Nurses office” was a sweet chapter, and I enjoyed “Gym shed” & “skipping rocks”. However, I am growing tired of the relationship never going anywhere. That’s a funny thing to say since they’re in middle school and there’s nowhere for the relationship to go! However, I prefer the volumes where Takagi is aware that her teasing is getting in the way of them getting closer. This volume felt more like comedy skits than a story with a character arc.


擅長 捉弄 人 的 高木 同學 8

May 29, 2020 Ray H rated it liked it

La verdad la historia esta increible pero para este tomo ya se supone mucho lo que pasará en la historia, las bromas de Tagaki-San no dejan de ser las mismas y muchas de las veces uno predice lo que pasara, este tomo me hartó un poco por la traba aburrida sucitada

擅長 捉弄 人 的 高木 同學 8

Esta serie, es de los mangas más blancos y lindos que he leído, lo recomiendo bastante.

擅長 捉弄 人 的 高木 同學 8

These volumes read so fcking fast, it's unbelievable. Good for my Goodreads goal tho! These volumes read so fcking fast, it's unbelievable. Good for my Goodreads goal tho! ...more

擅長 捉弄 人 的 高木 同學 8

I was waiting for the valentine part of this series and I have to say it didn't Disappoint I was waiting for the valentine part of this series and I have to say it didn't Disappoint ...more

擅長 捉弄 人 的 高木 同學 8

擅長 捉弄 人 的 高木 同學 8

The story progression is kind of at a halt. I’m looking forward to the next one.

擅長 捉弄 人 的 高木 同學 8

In the 1970's a transactional analysis was a trendy pop-psychology. One of the textbooks for it was called Games People Play. It described ways people interacted with one another in "games" avoiding true intimacy. Examples were, "Why don't you, yes, but" (where someone asks for advice and then shoots down every suggestion) and "Ain't it Awful" (might be an appropriate name for Twitter).

I've decided the relationship between Nishikata and Takagi is a game -- the teasing game in which Nishikata alw

In the 1970's a transactional analysis was a trendy pop-psychology. One of the textbooks for it was called Games People Play. It described ways people interacted with one another in "games" avoiding true intimacy. Examples were, "Why don't you, yes, but" (where someone asks for advice and then shoots down every suggestion) and "Ain't it Awful" (might be an appropriate name for Twitter).

I've decided the relationship between Nishikata and Takagi is a game -- the teasing game in which Nishikata always loses. Will they ever escape their game? After 8 volumes, I don't care!


擅長 捉弄 人 的 高木 同學 8

Super manga j'adore toujours autant l'histoire. Les personnages sont si mignons et tellement attachants... Super manga j'adore toujours autant l'histoire. Les personnages sont si mignons et tellement attachants... ...more

擅長 捉弄 人 的 高木 同學 8

擅長 捉弄 人 的 高木 同學 8

擅長 捉弄 人 的 高木 同學 8

擅長 捉弄 人 的 高木 同學 8

擅長 捉弄 人 的 高木 同學 8

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擅長 捉弄 人 的 高木 同學 8

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擅長 捉弄 人 的 高木 同學 8