Bake和convection bake的区别

加拿大家园论坛请问烤箱的bake和convect bake 有什么区别啊?


浅吟夏诗 : 2011-01-31#1


LongLong : 2011-01-31#2

回复: 请问烤箱的bake和convect bake 有什么区别啊?

如果指的是convection功能的话, 它一般烤东西时会比较平均, 温度会比较高, 所需时间会比较短.

kitty111 : 2011-01-31#3

回复: 请问烤箱的bake和convect bake 有什么区别啊?

楼上说的对,偶一般烤东西多得话,放两层就会用convection 功能。不用来回倒换,上下温度比较均匀。

poe : 2011-01-31#4

回复: 请问烤箱的bake和convect bake 有什么区别啊?


经常听到convection oven,或者带 convection 的烤箱,价格比普通的烤箱高出好几百。convection 的意思是对流,convection oven 指的是可以实现热气对流的烤箱。

那么如何实现热气对流,热气对流的好处又在哪里,你值不值得多花这几百刀去买一个带convection 的烤箱呢?

普通的电烤箱内靠上下两个电热圈(heating element)来加热 。上面的电热圈,你探头进去可见,下面的电热圈往往是藏在底部 (hidden element),也叫 bake element。对流式的烤箱安装了第三个heating element 在烤箱的背部的风扇的后面, 如下图。

Bake和convection bake的区别

对流式烤箱也就是 convection oven 至少有以下的优点:

  • 烤箱预热速度加快,烤制食物的时间缩短;
  • 风扇带动热气循环,使食物的受热更为均匀,烹制效果更佳;
  • 肉类外部上色和焦脆程度更好;
  • 相对节能。

在购买 convection oven 的时候要注意一件事情,有些烤箱的背部确实可见一个风扇,但是风扇后面并没有heating element, 这种烤箱在行业里叫做 fan convection,而装有第三个 heating element 的烤箱叫 true convection, 或者 European convection,所以购买之前一定要问清楚。


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Convection oven enthusiasts say that convection ovens cook faster, brown better, and heat food more evenly than traditional “thermal bake” ovens. According to appliance experts, if you try to use a convection oven without understanding how convection ovens work, you might not feel the same.

The main difference between a convection oven vs regular bake oven is how heat is circulated. A convection oven has a fan that continuously circulates air through the oven cavity. Because air is continuously circulated, convection ovens produce a much more consistent and even heat than regular bake ovens.

Difference Between Convection vs Regular Ovens: Pros & Cons

Convection Oven Pros & Cons:

  1. Pro! They cook faster: Food cooked in a convection oven is usually done about 25% faster than it is in a conventional oven.
  2. Con: Recipes don’t account for convection bake, so check for doneness at about 3/4 of the recommended cook time.
  3. Pro! Pack that oven full. Convection ovens circulate air throughout the oven resulting in even cooking, even when you use all three racks.
  4. Con. Convection ovens aren’t great for cakes.

Regular Bake Oven Pros & Cons:

  1. Con. Food takes longer to cook in a regular oven.
  2. Con. Regular bake ovens tend to cook food unevenly, so you may have to rotate dishes to achieve even cooking.
  3. Pro! They’re easier to use. Most recipes are written for regular ovens, making it easier to use for less experienced cooks.
  4. Pro! Regular ovens tend to cost less than convection ovens, so they’re a good option if you’re on a tight budget.

Difference Between Convection vs Regular Ovens: How do they work?

If you try to use the convection oven with the same temperature settings and cook time as your regular bake oven, you will undoubtedly run into troubles. Once you understand how a convection oven works, we’re pretty sure you’ll love your convection oven!

What is Regular Bake?

Most standard ovens are thermal bake ovens. Thermal bake simply means that the heat comes from the heating elements on the top and bottom of the oven. In a thermal bake oven, air passively circulates because there is no fan to force the air to flow throughout the oven cavity. The passive airflow in a thermal bake oven can result in uneven heating, especially if the heating element on the top heats at a higher temperature than the lower element.

What is Convection bake?

A convection oven has a fan that continuously circulates air through the oven cavity. Because air is continuously circulated, convection ovens produce a much more consistent and even heat than thermal bake ovens.

Bake和convection bake的区别

Convection ovens cook much faster than conventional ovens, which means that you’ll need to make some adjustments to your recipes to avoid disaster. The general rule of thumb for baking in a convection oven is to reduce the cooking temperature by 25 degrees Fahrenheit and start checking for doneness about ¾ of the way through. Once you get the hang of using your convection oven, you won’t be disappointed!

Is there a difference between True Convection and Convection?

If you’re in the market for a convection oven, be sure look for a True Convection oven. Some manufacturers call their ovens convection because they installed a fan to circulate air. However, a True Convection oven will have three heating elements: one at the top, one on the bottom, and one around the fan. This additional fan ensures that the heat is even and consistent.

When Should I Use Convection Bake?

Convection Bake is best for browning, roasting, and quick baking. The convection bake circulates air, which results in a steady, dry temperature. This means that foods will cook faster and the surface of foods will be dry. While these settings make for a delicious roasted chicken, your cake may not fare so well. For cakes, we recommend using your regular bake mode.