逛街 英文


He has not addressed the crux of the problem at all. So, may I ask the Secretary whether he can tell us


when we, frequent visitors to Central, can stop covering our noses with

[...] our hands when we cross the roads or walk in them?

對殘疾人士而言, 使 用交通 設施是 一項絕 對 需 要 : 有了交 通 工 具 的 幫 助,他們便 有機會 接 受教育、 尋 找 工 作 、 上 班 或 逛 街購物 。

For people with disabilities, access to transportation is an absolute necessity — to obtain education, to find and keep a job or even just to go shopping.

如果是逛 街時要 譴責的士司機,我便認為是比較荒謬的。

Deputy President, it would be rather ridiculous to

[...] condemn a taxi driver in the street.

不過,在星期天下午,我逛街時聽 到附近一個爸爸與兒子的對話。

But in the afternoon of the following

[...] day, when I was shopping in the streets, I heard a boy near [...]

me say this to his father, "Dad, can you buy this for me?

如果大家逛街, 便 知道我們有很多麪 包店,它們每一間的成本及經營手法也不同。

Take a walk in the street and we will see that [...]

there are a lot of bakeries of different cost structures and business practices.

第一,把所有外牆拆掉,這可以使室內環境變 成室外環境,好像街道般,便會吸引市民前 往 逛街。

In this way, an indoor setting can be turned into an outdoor setting and it will look as though

[...] one were in the streets.

代理主席,讓我唸出來:“......而香港、 深圳與大亞灣核電站有足夠的距離(原來20公里便算是足夠的距離); 因此,即使大亞灣核電站發生可能性極低的意外而導致大量的輻射外 泄



[...] 何特別行動,如刻意留在家裏或尋找掩蔽所(原來市民無需採取這些 措施,可以繼續逛街、看 電影、購物)......其他措施可能包括撤離大亞 灣以西12公里的東平洲和附近的大鵬灣海域,並提供其他協助以確保 [...]

Deputy President, let me read out the following: "…… and that Hong Kong and Shenzhen are at a safe distance from Daya Bay (so 20 km is considered a safe distance), even in the highly unlikely event of a significant release of radioactivity during an accident (it is talking about a significant release of radioactivity), there would be no need for the general public in either city to take action such as staying at home or seeking shelter (I never know that people do not need to take these special


actions and they can continue with

[...] their window-shopping, movie watching and shopping around) [...]

…… The measures would include


the evacuation of Ping Chau, an outlying island some 12 kilometres to the west of Daya Bay, together with the seas surrounding it in Mirs Bay, as well as providing other assistance that may be required to safeguard the community.

多年來,無論是在尖沙咀、銅鑼灣或灣仔,很多年青人 也會在逛街時被 人哄騙加入銷售香薰、紅酒的機構或購買旅遊度假村會 籍等,更會簽下“賣身契”,甚至向財務公司借貸。

Over the years, many young people have been deceived into joining companies selling aroma products or red wines or paying for the membership of tourist resorts when they are walking about in Tsim Sha Tsui, Causeway Bay or Wan Chai.

同时,快速说一下扎克伯格,有人看见他和他女朋友在上海的时尚区田子 坊 逛街。

Meantime, here’s just a quick take on Zuckerman,

[...] who was seen shopping with his girlfried [...]

in Shanghai’s trendy Tianzfang district.

在 眾 多方案 中 , 行 人 專 用區目前相當 受 歡迎, 因為行人 可以在安 全、舒 適 的環 境下,輕 鬆 地 逛 街 購 物,商 戶 亦 可以在良好的 營 商 環境下做 生 意。

Of all these, pedestrian precincts are very popular because they provide a safe and comfortable environment in which people can walk and shop leisurely, and also because they offer a good business environment to shop operators.

無論您是在中環的辦公室談生意,或是到旺 角 逛街 , 您 都可以感受到香港的世界級都會魅力。

Whether you're wheeling and dealing in the offices of

[...] Central or the markets of Mongkok, you [...]

can feel Hong Kong's world-class metropolitan charm.

廣告原本想對上學受阻的學生、上班受 阻的經理和逛街受阻 的女士表示歉意,請大家不要見怪。

The commercial was originally intended to offer apologies to a student who was delayed while going to school, a manager who was delayed while going to work and a lady who was delayed on a shopping spree.

在今年的施政報告中,政府亦提到改善路邊空氣質素,民建聯是 支持的,因為市民每天上班、上學、 逛街 及 買 餸均會吸入車輛所排放 的廢氣,實在不好受。

The DAB supports this proposal because


people breathe in emissions from vehicles when they go to work, go

[...] to school, go shopping or go to the market every day.

[...] 響,有時候,為了健康着想,恐怕市民或遊客也會減少到這些旺 區 逛街, 這樣其實是十分可惜的。

Sometimes, for health reasons, members of the public and visitors may have to go to such busy

[...] districts less frequently for shopping.

財經事務局局長:主席女士,我 很 榮幸有機 會 與各位 議員在 2 月 14 日 共 度 黃 昏 , 聽 到 大家發表就如 何保障 銀 行 小 額 存 戶 權 益 的 高見, 以 及李卓人議員 的 優 美 歌 聲 , 這較與我妻 子 逛 街 吃飯來 得更有意 義 。

SECRETARY FOR FINANCIAL SERVICES (in Cantonese): Madam President, I am privileged to have the opportunity to spend this evening on 14 February with Honourable Members, listening to the valuable views of Members on ways to protect the rights of small depositors of banks and the beautiful singing of the Honourable LEE Cheuk-yan.

[...] 官認為,市民的優質生活,便是放假到名 店 逛街 , 然 後到半島酒店、 四季酒店享用下午茶,或到文華酒店,喜歡的話,便去欣賞歌劇及音 [...]

In the minds of senior officials in Hong Kong,


quality living means that members of the

[...] public can go shopping in brand-name [...]

shops and then enjoy afternoon tea in the


Peninsula Hotel, the Four Seasons Hotel or the Mandarin Hotel.

以公務員一個月平均工作約22天計,即使每天吃一客22元的早餐 及一客大約35 元的叉燒飯套餐,一個人每月大約也要花費約 1,200元,單是計算這1 700人一天吃兩餐的直接開銷,一年便有額外 的 2,558萬元,還未計算逛街購物 等其他消費。

If a calculation is made on the basis that a civil servant works about 22 days on average monthly, even if he spends $22 on breakfast and $35 on a set lunch of BBQ pork with rice daily, he will need to spend approximately $1,200 a month. Even if only the expenses directly incurred by the 1 700 staff members as a result of having two meals a day are factored into the calculation, an additional $22.58 million will be made in spending per annum without taking into calculation expenses on shopping, and so on.

我想大家也曾到過很多地方旅行,我亦有同樣的經驗,我們可能會到台 灣的台北市逛街,但 我們逛的是一些大家覺得完全不起眼的步行街,買的是 一些小吃,光顧的是一些小商販。

But we would usually stroll in the rather inconspicuous pedestrian walks, we would buy some snacks and we would shop at some petty shops or from hawkers.

這些錢不是給他們逛街看電 影這麼簡單,而 是令傷殘人士可以融入社會,擴大他們的網絡和增加他們的社會資本。

The aim of this sum of money is not simply for them to go out and watch a movie, rather, it will enable the integration of people with disabilities into society, broaden their network and increase their social capital.

主席,在日常生活 中,我不知道特區政府官員是否瞭解小巴不只發揮接駁作用,很多香 港市民其實每天都依賴小巴作為上班、買餸 和 逛街 看 戲 的主要交通工 具,當然,它亦兼具輔助其他交通工具的作用。

President, I have no idea whether the officials of the SAR Government are really aware that PLBs do not only perform a feeder role in the daily lives of the people.

主要是在夏季,警察把只是离开家庭,不 回家过夜而在街上的游逛的青 少年带到收容所。

Mostly during the summertime the


police bring to the shelter young people who have simply left home, do not go

[...] home for the night and wander in the streets.

许多孩子在街上闲逛,他 们可能会看到倒塌的房屋、受伤的路人和马路上的尸体。

[...] wander around the streets, where they can see [...]

collapsed buildings, injured people and dead bodies.

(d) 承认相关国家当局将乞讨、游荡、闲 逛 、 逃 学、出走等求生行为作为 儿童保护问题来处理一般符合儿童的最大利益,并确保根据其法律制度,有关此 种行为的法律不成为切实援助、支持和保 护 街 头 谋 生和

(d) To recognize that it is generally in the child’s best interests that


survival behaviours, such as

[...] begging, loitering, vagrancy, truancy, running away and other acts, be dealt with as child protection issues by the relevant State authorities, and to ensure, in accordance with their legal systems, that laws on such behaviours do not constitute an obstacle to effective assistance, support and protection for children working and/or living on the street

我也希望他去豬肉檔看一看,又 或他光顧的是哪一個街市, 讓我和他一起 去 逛 一 逛 , 詢 問檔主究竟一 頭活豬的購入價是多少、零售價又是多少。

I also hope that he will take a look at these pork stalls, or tell me which market he will patronize so that I can go with him and ask the stall owners what the purchase price of live pigs is and what the retail price is.

对于街头儿 童人数的增长以及可根 据刑法以“身份罪”,比如流浪、逃学或 闲 逛 而 处 罚儿童,委员会也感到震惊。

The Committee is also alarmed by the increase in the number of children in street situations and that children can be penalized under criminal law for “status offences”, such as vagrancy, truancy or wandering.

這樣既可 活化舊工廠區,也可令這些以往沒有 人 逛 的 地 方變得更興旺,而且更可為香 港購物天堂的美譽,添上一些新色彩,而中小型企業(“中小企”)亦可有 更多發展和創業的空間,藉此創造更多就業機會。

Moreover, this can also enhance the reputation of Hong Kong as a shopping paradise and small and medium enterprises (SMEs) will also find great scope to set up and develop their businesses, thus creating more job opportunities.


