论文cover letter怎么写

On behalf of all coauthors, I am submitting our manuscript entitled “文章标题”for your consideration for publication in Biology and Medicine.


Although there has been a large amount of research focusing on medical image segmentation, few studies have focused specifically on the segmentation of tiny organs.

The difficulty of tiny organ segmentation is that the shape varies greatly among individuals and the boundary with surrounding tissues is not clear.

In the current study, we proposed a 方法, which successfully solves the above two difficulties. The experimental results show that our proposed 方法 outperforms the state-of-the-art deep learning method in segmenting xxx with respect to accuracy.

Another strength of our method is that it requires fewer trainable parameters and imposes a smaller demand on computational resources.

The proposed method can potentially assist clinicians in diagnosis and treatment planning by quickly inspecting abnormalities in xxx and further quantitative analysis.




We believe that this article is appropriate for publication by the Biology and Medicine, it would be of great interest to a broad range of readers including radiologists, clinical researchers, computer scientists, and other researchers in related fields.

Finally, we would like to make the following declarations: All authors of this paper have read and approved the final version submitted and contents of this manuscript have not been copyrighted or published previously and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.



Thank you for your consideration. I am looking forward to your assessment of our manuscript.




Thank you for your email of Jul 19, 2021 (论文返修时间). We appreciate the encouraging and enthusiastic comments and suggestions made by you and reviewers, on the basis of which we have revised and (we think) strengthened our paper.

In particular, we have added a detailed description of xxx, restructured the article to make it more logical and easy to understand. Moreover we added a performance comparison with the xxx algorithm, which is considered as the benchmark in the field of biomedical image segmentation.

The results show that our proposed method is superior to xxx in the subfield of xxx segmentation, and our proposed model is much easier to train and deploy.

Changes are tracked and highlighted in the revised manuscript, and all our responses to reviewers’ comments are detailed in ‘Response to Reviewers’. (通用,说明修改情况)



2Cover letter包含的内容有哪些?


Cover letter通常是简单概括文章的核心内容,主要发现,创新点以及意义,以及对稿件的处理是否有特殊的要求。此外还要附上主要作者的通讯信息,有的杂志会要求推荐审稿人。


各个杂志的具体要求是不一样的,下笔之前最好在杂志的guide for authors上去找找有无相关要求。如果没有具体的,就按照通用的要求进行处理就行。


完整的Cover letter 一般包括以下内容:


A. 期刊编辑的姓名(不知道编辑是谁的情况下直接用 Dear editor);


B. 投稿文章的标题


C. 投稿文章的类型(Letter, communications, article, review 还是 comments)


D. 文章简介,包括:(1)研究背景;(2)论文的重要发现;(3)论文可以发表在期刊上的原因:引发读者兴趣的地方,与期刊的契合之处等等


E. 稿件出版道德规范的免责说明(这个部分很多期刊在网站上投稿时会进行确认,cover letter 里面可以不出现)以及对稿件有无特殊处理要求(一般指屏蔽某些竞争者成为审稿人)


F. 作者信息:一般为通讯作者姓名,所属机构,通讯地址,联系电话,邮箱等


G. 推荐审稿人名单(注:目前很多杂志社已经将这一部分挪到了投稿网站系统上,Cover letter中可以不再列出)


敲黑板!!!以下是小编为您准备的cover letter 写作模板




3Cover Letter 的写作模板:




Dear Dr./Ms./Mr. [编辑姓名],


I would like to request you to consider the attached manuscript entitled [论文题目] for publication in [期刊名称] as an [文章类型].


While many studies have investigated the [简短叙述该主题下的既有知识], I have not come across a paper that deals with [你的研究所属领域/主题]. We conducted [简短叙述研究方法] and came up with [概述研究结果]. I feel that [你的研究何以重要,未来的发展方向为何].


I believe that the findings of this study are relevant to the scope of your journal and will be of interest to its readership. I have provided tables summarizing the findings. [如果有才需要这句:If required, the entire data can be made available as supplementary information.] Do let me know if you wish to have a look at them.


This manuscript has not been published or presented elsewhere in part or in entirety, and is not under consideration by another journal. There are no conflicts of interest to declare. [注:如果有任何利益冲突,要写在这里].


I look forward to hearing from you.








Dr. XX YY (批注1: Name of Editor-in-chief or Editor (First name, Last name)This is much desirable as it makes your letter more personal.)Editor-in-Chief


[Insert target Journal name]


[Journal address, e.g., 123 ABC Street, City, State, zip code, Country.]


May xx, 2021(批注2: Date of submission.)


Dear Dr. YY,(批注 3: Or say Dear Editor if you don’t know his/her name)


We are submitting the attached original manuscript entitled “[Insert manuscript title]” to be considered for publication in the [Insert target Journal name] as anoriginal research article.(批注4: Include this if you know the category.)


[Insert research summary(批注5: Do not copy any content directly from the abstract. Research summary should be <350 words.) according to the following questions – please provide brief answers (1-2 sentences) per question: 1. What is the overarching background of this research topic? 2. What does this study attempt to achieve (aim)? 3. What are the key findings (novelty)? Followed by a statement something as follows “As [Insert target Journal name] has a long-standing interest in publishing research related to the [ABCD] field, we feel your readership will be interested in this study that contributes to further understanding […](impact)”


We declare that none of the work contained in this manuscript is published in any language or currently under consideration at any other journal, and there are no conflicts of interest to declare. All authors have contributed to, read, and approved this submitted manuscript in its current form. Our manuscript has also been edited by a native English-speaking expert to ensure its English is good enough for publication(文章经过润色的话申明已润色很有必要,很多期刊不送审会直接要求润色,推荐合作公司).


Please find recommended referees as follows:(批注6: Optional, but recommended – journal editors will appreciate your efforts in making their life easier. )ABC, Professor


[Insert full address of ABC professor].[Insert Phone no of ABC professor],[Insert E-mail address of ABC professor] (批注7: Insert referees information (Optional -- depends on Journal requirement.)


We hope you find our manuscript of interest and look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you very much.(批注8: Example of last paragraph.)


