Race 中文

Cross-cutting subject areas include children and the family, disability, gender, mental health, old age, race/ethnicity and young people.

Overall, the clines tended to be wider the further they were from the race centre.

To be more precise, he runs away from the law by defiantly refusing to win the race as the favourite competitor.

Over time, party differences on race grew increasingly stark, and new voters began to sort themselves into the two parties according to their racial ideology.

But, unlike them, she recognizes race even as she seeks to transcend it.

The redemption of the entire human race from eternal death hinged on pain.

The data were then re-examined in the light of the phylogenetic analysis by identifying the races to which the individuals used in the study belonged.

This vision is not afraid to give special recognition to the poor through, for example, race and gender preferences, because of their marginalisation.


These associations remained significant after adjustments for age, gender, race, marital status and education.

This paradox was resolved in various ways by different theorists: polygenism and theories of races as biologically distinct subspecies arose to maintain hegemonic hierarchies.

In addition to these factors, we also examine race and insurance status.

It should also look into the issue whether regulatory competition is really a race and if so what do we mean by that.

This vision is not afraid to give special recognition to the poor through, for example, race and gender preferences, because of their marginalisation.

But, unlike them, she recognizes race even as she seeks to transcend it.

The data were then re-examined in the light of the phylogenetic analysis by identifying the races to which the individuals used in the study belonged.

Thus, this dataset represents the closest thing to a universe of advertisements that exists for these races.


  1. race

    • KK[res]
    • DJ[reis]


    • n.

      賽跑;比賽,競賽[C][(+against/between/with)];賽馬大會[the P]

    • vi.


    • vt.


    • 名詞複數:races

    • 過去式:raced 過去分詞:raced 現在分詞:racing

    • 釋義
    • 同反義
    • 相關詞

    • 1. 賽跑;比賽,競賽[C][(+against/between/with)] He ran a race with me. 他同我賽跑。
    • 2. 賽馬大會[the P]
    • 3. (江,海的)急流;水道[C]
    • 4. (日,月的)運行;(人生的)歷程[C]

    • 1. 比速度;參加競賽;參加賽馬 Some twenty bikes will race for the prize. 約有二十輛腳踏車參加賽車爭奪獎品。
    • 2. 疾走;全速行進 She raced to the phone. 她飛快地跑向電話。
    • 3. (機器因負荷減少而)猛轉

    • 1. 和……競賽
    • 2. 使急走,使全速行進;使(發動機)猛轉[O] The taxi-driver raced me to the airport. 計程車司機駕車將我飛速送到機場。
    • 3. 使(馬等)參加比賽


    vt. 速度之類的競賽

    • run
    • speed
    • rush
    • dash
    • hurry
    • hasten
    • scoot
    • scamper
    • scurry
    • sprint
    • bolt
    • accelerate
    • chase

    • 更多解釋


    • KK[res]
    • DJ[reis]


    • n.

      人種;種族;民族[C][U] The British are a sea-going race. 英國人是個航海的民族。


    • IPA[reɪs]



    • n.

      速度競賽; 爭分奪秒 to win/lose a race 跑贏/跑輸 to come first/second etc. in a race 賽跑獲得第一/第二名等
    • vt.

      同…競速 come on, I'll race you! 來呀,我要和你比比誰快! to race sb. to sth. 與某人競相奔向某物
    • vi.

      參加速度競賽 he’ll be racing for the senior team next year 明年他要參加高級組別賽跑 to race against sb./sth. (in the final/semi-final etc.) 同某人/某物(在決賽/半決賽等中)競速




    • n.

      種族 the Caucasian/Mongolian race 白種人/蒙古人種 race law/hatred 種族法/仇恨


    • 種族,人種,賽跑,比賽,急流,薑根賽跑,競賽,疾走與…賽跑,使疾走


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