Work 中文

work noun (SURGERY)

work noun (EVERYTHING)

work noun (FACTORY)

work noun (MACHINE)


If you take the back off this clock, you can see its/the works. 如果你把鐘的後蓋打開,就會看到那些活動部件。

work noun (PHYSICS)

[ U ]   physics   specialized




work verb (HAVE EFFECT)

  • The argument that sanctions should be given more time to work is seductive but fatally flawed.
  • In conclusion, I submit that the proposal will not work without some major changes.
  • The opposition claimed that the government's education policy was not working.
  • My new diet seems to be working. I've lost weight already.
  • These tactics worked well in the last match.

work verb (ARRANGE)


I don't know how she worked it, but she retired at 50. 我不知道她是如何做到在50歲退休的。

Can we work things (out) so that there's always someone here to answer the phone during office hours? 我們能否安排一下,以便在工作時間這裡總是有人接電話?

work verb (SHAPE)



(work剑桥英语-中文(繁体)词典的翻译 © Cambridge University Press)



There is also the question of marking pupils' or students' work.

In order for the equilibrium notion to do any work for the players, moreover, they should know each other's strategies.

They worked toward quick and uniform program implementation and national program standards.

Whereas oncologists and primary care physicians overwhelmingly reported having working relationships with hospice, only 57% of cardiologists reported having those contacts.

Space permits only a cursory overview of these slighter works.

Affective responses seem to occur when pupils have almost finished their work.

However, it does not show that the idea of purely functional space does not work.

The text is unique, as it represents the work of a single author, who cogently articulates a systematic approach to psychiatry.


work noun (SURGERY)

work noun (EVERYTHING)

work noun (FACTORY)

work noun (MACHINE)


If you take the back off this clock, you can see its/the works. 如果你把钟的后盖打开,就会看到那些活动部件。

work noun (PHYSICS)

[ U ]   physics   specialized




work verb (HAVE EFFECT)

  • The argument that sanctions should be given more time to work is seductive but fatally flawed.
  • In conclusion, I submit that the proposal will not work without some major changes.
  • The opposition claimed that the government's education policy was not working.
  • My new diet seems to be working. I've lost weight already.
  • These tactics worked well in the last match.

work verb (ARRANGE)


I don't know how she worked it, but she retired at 50. 我不知道她是如何做到在50岁退休的。

Can we work things (out) so that there's always someone here to answer the phone during office hours? 我们能否安排一下,以便在工作时间这里总是有人接电话?

work verb (SHAPE)



(work剑桥英语-中文(简体)词典的翻译 © Cambridge University Press)



This was reinforced by the low priority given to public health work at all levels within the organization and by primary care team colleagues.

Affective responses seem to occur when pupils have almost finished their work.

The text is unique, as it represents the work of a single author, who cogently articulates a systematic approach to psychiatry.

Whereas oncologists and primary care physicians overwhelmingly reported having working relationships with hospice, only 57% of cardiologists reported having those contacts.

Space permits only a cursory overview of these slighter works.

The teachers, as working women who were active in civic affairs, served as role models to the pupils.

In order for the equilibrium notion to do any work for the players, moreover, they should know each other's strategies.

At 25 minutes' duration and requiring 25 players, it is one of the most substantial works ever to come out of the project.



