為了 活命 你 會 吃 人 嗎
































彼得.凱夫 (Peter Cave)

現任英國人文哲學家協會主席,倫敦紐約大學、倫敦城市大學與英國公開大學哲學課程講師。凱夫時常參與國內外哲學講座,與人探討弔詭的邏輯悖論,追求清晰的邏輯論證,特別著重於倫理、政治與宗教領域,也常在哲學期刊雜誌發表哲學文章,從學術性論文以至大眾讀物皆有貢獻,他也曾為BBC廣播電臺的聽眾撰寫並介紹有趣的哲學悖論。凱夫認為,藉由故事、影像與些許幽默,能讓哲學與深度思考變得生動活潑。他是暢銷書《Can A Robot be Human?》的作者,也撰寫許多哲學基本入門書籍。



臺灣大學外國語文學系畢,喜愛戲劇與英國文學。因為對語言的好奇,大學畢業後進入荷蘭萊登大學(Leiden University)語言學研究所,專攻語音學與第二語言習得,獲語言學碩士後歸國。現專職聽損患者語言發展相關研究工作,並兼職翻譯。譯有《領導現場關鍵9件事:每周一聚焦9分鐘,想清楚這些事就能讓你的團隊更出色》、《數學,為什麼是現在這樣子?一門不教公式,只講故事的數學課》(協力翻譯)、《業務之神的態度》。

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Another book of philosophical puzzles -- a lot of which I was familiar with, somehow, from doing Religious Studies at GCSE and A Level... It includes stuff like the Ontological Argument, anyway. Like the other book I've read by Peter Cave, it's interesting and presents difficult puzzles quite flippantly. It cross-references the puzzles, so if you're interested in a particular line of thought, you can follow it right through the book. Another book of philosophical puzzles -- a lot of which I was familiar with, somehow, from doing Religious Studies at GCSE and A Level... It includes stuff like the Ontological Argument, anyway. Like the other book I've read by Peter Cave, it's interesting and presents difficult puzzles quite flippantly. It cross-references the puzzles, so if you're interested in a particular line of thought, you can follow it right through the book. ...more

Was it me or were most of those puzzles neither puzzling nor perplexing? Maybe I'm just not cut out for philosophy... Anyway, it wasn't a bad book, and the writing style was in between annoying me and trying to be funny (and sort of not managing, thus falling back on 'annoying me'). Was it me or were most of those puzzles neither puzzling nor perplexing? Maybe I'm just not cut out for philosophy... Anyway, it wasn't a bad book, and the writing style was in between annoying me and trying to be funny (and sort of not managing, thus falling back on 'annoying me'). ...more

Not that well-written or profound.

Doc Cave manages to make those paradoxes even more puzzling than they actually are. I really couldn't follow most of his reasoning. I found Paradoxes from A to Z by Michael Clark a far superior insightful reading. Doc Cave manages to make those paradoxes even more puzzling than they actually are. I really couldn't follow most of his reasoning. I found Paradoxes from A to Z by Michael Clark a far superior insightful reading. ...more

Interesting ideas, however I did not enjoy the way the book was written.

some of the philosophical concepts are good and thought provoking however writing style of author makes it very difficult to understand the concept for the people who are naive to philosophy.

The setup of this book is: ' You think A don't you? Well what if you though B instead?!' - the issue being that in most cases I didn't think A to start with, so there was never a 'puzzle' moment or a shock at seeing the world in a new light.

I hated how the author tried to be funny, pages were wasted whilst he wrote 'witty' metaphors that often fell flat. I think it suffers from trying to make philosophy palatable for the masses - which it fails miserably at anyway.

Either philosophy isn't for m

The setup of this book is: ' You think A don't you? Well what if you though B instead?!' - the issue being that in most cases I didn't think A to start with, so there was never a 'puzzle' moment or a shock at seeing the world in a new light.

I hated how the author tried to be funny, pages were wasted whilst he wrote 'witty' metaphors that often fell flat. I think it suffers from trying to make philosophy palatable for the masses - which it fails miserably at anyway.

Either philosophy isn't for me, or this is a terrible example of what it out there.


Interesting title but no so interesting contents. There are many interesting ideas in the book but there are generally more questions than answers and some unnecessary paradoxes as well which are very convoluted.

Not very impressed with this book, most of the paradoxes presented were neither puzzling nor profound.

Very poorly written - like someone took a bunch of chain letters, stapled them together, scrawled a few comments, and called it a book.

Yazar onemli felsefi konulara ve tartismalara cok anlasilir bir dille deginmiş, tavsiye ederim.

The book started really well, then it crashed downhill.

The author is pretty hilarious. I enjoyed his writing style very much.

The book speaks about paradoxes so it is fair to assume that the writer will speak from every possible angle, right? Well that was not the case. I felt that a lot of things have been left out. At the beginning, it was not as palpable as much as it was as I was reading further into it, but it reached a point where I could not ignore it anymore.
Maybe the author did that

The book started really well, then it crashed downhill.

The author is pretty hilarious. I enjoyed his writing style very much.

The book speaks about paradoxes so it is fair to assume that the writer will speak from every possible angle, right? Well that was not the case. I felt that a lot of things have been left out. At the beginning, it was not as palpable as much as it was as I was reading further into it, but it reached a point where I could not ignore it anymore.
Maybe the author did that on purpose, who knows? But I think since the book speaks about paradoxes that these points should not be left out.

Another point is that he fails at comparing. He compares things together that... well cannot be compared together.
Are you an idiot or what?

Oh, and the author usually presents every chapter and paradox with an argument, and some of these arguments are very very poor. And in some points, I felt that the author failed at being objective. You are talking about PARADOXES, so when explaining the two points of view, you should NOT look biased, right? Well, his opinion generally matched mine, but that does NOT mean that I will ignore this point.

the book then started boring me out except the last chapter which was really good. And I think the end was a really good end.
Have a look:
When the mountain flowers are blooming,
Their scent carries their meaning


Въпреки интересното си заглавие, въпреки ясно заявената неприязън на автора към постмодернизма във философията и въпреки моя нестихващ апетит към популярна философия, налага се да кажа, че това четиво не предлага нищо смислено и зслужаващо прочитане. Подходът към 33-те философски пъзела е плитък и елементарен.

We often engage in activities, seeking achievements - reaching the mountain top, discovering how the story ends, satisfying yearnings of passion - yet we also resist reaching the ends, for having achieved them, there is the anti-climax, the sadness, the emptiness.

There's a charm in not saying or thinking, and merely experiencing.

I probably would have enjoyed KI.

We often engage in activities, seeking achievements - reaching the mountain top, discovering how the story ends, satisfying yearnings of passion - yet we also resist reaching the ends, for having achieved them, there is the anti-climax, the sadness, the emptiness.

There's a charm in not saying or thinking, and merely experiencing.

I probably would have enjoyed KI.


me thinks one really need to be in the mood to read this one. might enjoy it if i had a bit more time to ponder the dilemmas. i'll keep coming back to it. food for thought. me thinks one really need to be in the mood to read this one. might enjoy it if i had a bit more time to ponder the dilemmas. i'll keep coming back to it. food for thought. ...more

enjoyable little read. each chapter is about 6 pages long. some were quite provoking, others were only puzzles because the assumptions were odd.

Fun read. Some useful essays for my Philosophy class.

So many puzzles, lots of food for thought.
Didn't enjoy the writing style though.
So many puzzles, lots of food for thought.
Didn't enjoy the writing style though.

Two interesting chapters. The rest is verbal diarrhea.

Covered too much ground in too little space. I used it for a bathroom book, which was ideal since I got it a chapter at a time, in small doses.

It got me thinking a little bit, but not on anything I haven't already spent time thinking on. Also, I've heard many of these topics discussed in a more interesting way. It was okay, though. It got me thinking a little bit, but not on anything I haven't already spent time thinking on. Also, I've heard many of these topics discussed in a more interesting way. It was okay, though. ...more

A series of philosophical scenarios along the lines of "Have you stopped beating your wife?". Thought provoking at times. A fair read for those inclined. A series of philosophical scenarios along the lines of "Have you stopped beating your wife?". Thought provoking at times. A fair read for those inclined. ...more

Funny and perplexing. Split into small 'puzzles' so it's easy to pick up and read when you have a 'mo. Funny and perplexing. Split into small 'puzzles' so it's easy to pick up and read when you have a 'mo. ...more

Good intro to philosophy reading. Fortunately the chapters are short and succinct, so if you don't like a chapter then an enjoyable one might only be a couple of page turns away. Good intro to philosophy reading. Fortunately the chapters are short and succinct, so if you don't like a chapter then an enjoyable one might only be a couple of page turns away. ...more

I have no patience for working through the nuts and bolts of philosophical puzzles, so I read this book very fast. Not as interesting as the title.

This book is great for philosophers, not as deep, not a introduction, but something like a conversation I would love to have in a bar with a friend philosopher.

Not really that exciting, but pretty comical and thought provoking.

Peter Cave lectures in philosophy for The Open University and New York University (London). He frequently contributes to philosophy magazines and journals, lectures around the world, and has scripted and presented philosophy programmes for the BBC. He is the author of eight books on philosophy, including Humanism: A Beginner’s Guide and the bestselling Can a Robot be Human?: 33 Perplexing Philosop Peter Cave lectures in philosophy for The Open University and New York University (London). He frequently contributes to philosophy magazines and journals, lectures around the world, and has scripted and presented philosophy programmes for the BBC. He is the author of eight books on philosophy, including Humanism: A Beginner’s Guide and the bestselling Can a Robot be Human?: 33 Perplexing Philosophy Puzzles. ...more

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“It is as if we find ourselves on a ship in the middle of the ocean, with the captain making the point that we are free to leave.” — 6 likes

“There is a charm in saying nothing, in saying nothing at all. There is a charm in - experiencing.” — 3 likes

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