小 楼 又 东风 chinaq

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I liked it, specially the first half since there was space for more romance scenes. I did not dislike the second half. I have watched several dramas like this one so I knew there would not be easy solutions to problems and that a spy sometimes has to do things he/she doesn’t want and not be able to do the things he/she wants to do. The ending was more or less what I expected. There was this one character that might not deserve it, but that made me tear up.

Btw, do not expect the female lead to be this super smart and super brave spy or anything or you might be disappointed. She has moments like that but she is mainly a naive girl that does not know time and place, very clumsy and easily gets lost, like literally gets lost, she has no sense of direction. >.<
So try not to go in with any kind of expectations about the female lead’s character. But I can promise you that she will have a lot of character development, so don’t give up on her after watching just 2 or 3 episodes.

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【更新】2022-07-30 14:36:03
【簡介】《小樓又東風》上海名媛呂晗芝因父親被漢奸殺害,家道中落,從此走上了抗戰的道路。因緣際會,與呂晗芝命運緊密相關的兩個男人,卻分別屬於兩大敵對陣營。表麪上爲漢奸做事的高晨,實際上是中共地下黨的情報人員。表麪上抗日耡奸的韓壽民,雖然曾是國民黨軍統優秀特工,但逐步被汪偽特務組織設計陷害,走上叛變投敵的不歸路。這三人的情感關系在抗戰的時代背景之下充滿變數。呂晗芝徘徊在中共和軍統的兩大諜報高手之間,逐步從不諳世事的名媛成長爲一名出色的諜報人員。呂晗芝身処汪偽與抗日勢力的血腥搏殺之中,撲朔迷離的人物身份,生死相搏的臥底生涯,使得她在殘酷的鬭爭中幾經波折,逐步成熟。最終在中共黨組織的幫助下,呂晗芝找到了自己的信仰,成爲了一名周鏇於上海上層社會的中共優秀情報人員  。


