失去 英文

看完這支影片,相信下次迷路時就知道可以怎麼做,而不會驚慌失措囉!說到迷路,想必大家或多或少都有過這樣的經驗。不過想要表示「迷路」,究竟要用 lose、lost 還是 loss 呢?這三個字的意思跟用法差在哪裡?彼此之間有什麼關係呢?今天就跟著希平方一起探索探索吧!


lose 是「動詞」,過去式及過去分詞是 lost

簡單來說,lose 有兩個比較廣的定義,就是「失」(not have)和「敗」(be defeated)。套用在不同情境,可以延伸出「失去、喪失、遺失、損失、輸掉...」等等的含意,例如:

I don’t want to lose you.(我不想失去你。)

He often loses his car keys.(他經常遺失他的車鑰匙。)

We will not lose the game.(我們不會輸掉這場比賽。)

My grandfather is gradually losing his memory.(我爺爺慢慢在喪失他的記憶力。)

Let’s give it a try. After all, we have nothing to lose.(我們試試看吧。反正,我們不會有什麼損失。)

如果要表示一件事發生在過去(過去式)或已經發生(完成式),就會用到 lost。例如:

He lost his father at the age of 15.(他十五歲時失去他的父親。 )→ lost 是過去式

I have lost my trust in him.(我已經對他喪失信心。) → lost 是過去分詞

而如果要表示「迷路」,我們可以搭配 lose one’s way 這個用法。字面意思是「失去方向」,可以用來表示「迷路、找不到路」,例如:

I think we have completely lost our way in the forest.(我想我們已經完全迷失在森林中。)


People sometimes lose their way in life.(人們有時候會在人生中失去方向。)


lost 是「形容詞」

lost 除了可以作為 lose 的過去式和過去分詞,也可以作為「形容詞」。它有幾個重要的意思,像是「失去的、輸掉的、找不到的」。例如:

Not taking his offer was a lost opportunity.(沒接受他的邀約是一個失去了的機會。)

It’s normal to lose a game, but we need to learn something from the lost games.(輸掉比賽很正常,但我們必須從輸掉的比賽中學到一些事情。)

The archaeologists believe that this is the lost city they have been looking for all these years.(考古學家相信這就是他們這些年來一直在找的那座失落的城市。)

lost 同樣也能用來表示「迷路、失去方向的」或「迷惘、迷失的」。例如:

They got lost in the desert and almost died of thirst and hunger.(他們在沙漠中迷路,差點死於口渴和飢餓。)

He looks a little lost recently.(他最近看起來有些迷惘。)


loss 是「名詞」

Loss 是動詞 lose 的名詞形式,含意跟 lose 類似。例如:

There will be a number of job losses if the factory closes down.(如果工廠倒閉,將會有許多工作機會喪失。)

The young couple still couldn’t get over the loss of their son.(這對年輕夫婦仍然無法走出喪子之痛。)

The company is trying to offset the loss of two million dollars by the end of this year.(這間公司正試著在今年年底前抵銷兩百萬美元的虧損。)

loss 也有「迷惘、失落」的意思,例如:

She was at a loss as to what to do next.(她很迷惘不知道接下來要做什麼。)

He felt a great sense of loss and emptiness when his best friend left.(他最好的朋友離開時,他感受到強烈的失落及空虛感。)




2. 別再暈頭轉向了,八招教你問路指路的英文說法!


阿拉伯语 德语 英语 西班牙语 法语 希伯来语 意大利语 日语 荷兰语 波兰语 葡萄牙语 罗马尼亚语 俄语 瑞典语 土耳其语 乌克兰语 中文


同义词 阿拉伯语 德语 英语 西班牙语 法语 希伯来语 意大利语 日语 荷兰语 波兰语 葡萄牙语 罗马尼亚语 俄语 瑞典语 土耳其语 乌克兰语 中文 乌克兰语





它非常正常 起先稍微失去。

It's perfectly normal to lose a little at first.


Low-income households tend to be the first ones to lose jobs.

死亡 受伤 失去家庭 我都在所不惜

Death, wounds, the loss of my family, nothing frightens me.


the loss of the leadership can cause many organizations to collapse

这是一个特点不失去多年的 Brastemp.

This is a characteristic of Brastemp that not lost over the years.

我们的CompactFlash卡格式化我的丈夫,失去了 200 照片 `.

My husband formatted our CompactFlash card and lost over 200 photos'.

成绩一落千丈 差点就失去奖学金了

My grades tanked, and I almost lost my scholarship.

我不是开玩笑 我爸可能会失去一切

This isn't a joke. My dad could lose everything.

这意味着她会失去工作 医疗保险

Which means she'll lose her job, her health insurance.

Pics: 她已经愿意在这里失去童贞...

Pics: She is already willing to lose here...


For letting my daughter lose her virginity in your house!


The Wirkus family recently lost their house and personal belongings due to an accidental fire.

常用, 医生可以为不想失去头发的人开 Finesteride.

Commonly, doctors can prescribe Finesteride for individuals who do not want to lose their hair.


Millions of families are facing the loss of homes and jobs.


Subhi have lost hope in a lot of things.

有时有一些设备失去 WiFi 信号在房子的部分.

Some devices that have sometimes lose the WiFi signal in parts of the House.


How do Windows users lose their hard drive partitions?


What a tragedy for the king to lose his only son and heir.

诚信 吃苦耐劳的人们 正在失去家园

Honest, hard-working, decent people are losing their homes.


The loss of a sound approach to nutrition in Ecuador.



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