龍騰 英文 第 二 冊 單字

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Four-year-old Jane Goodall was puzzled2 by the question of how hens laid3 eggs. So she set out to出發去… find an answer to this mystery4. She hid in a henhouse, waiting to see how a hen laid an egg.

She hid in a henhouse.

She waited to see how a hen laid an egg.

Finally, four hours later, she had her answer.(Being) Excited, she ran off to tell her mother.

She was excited.

She ran off to tell her mother.

For Goodall, this event began a lifetime5 of discovery.

Goodall was born in England in 1934.

She grew up and read

She grew up reading(分詞構句) Tarzan* books and spent as much time outdoors6 as she could. When she was nine, she dreamed of (+n.) going to Africa. She never attended7 university8. Instead, she worked as(作為) a waitress for several years, saving money for her trip to Africa.

She saved money for her trip to Africa.

Then at age twenty-three, she finally boarded9 a ship in England and made her way to Kenya*, where 完整子句(Goodall met the famous anthropologist* Louis Leakey*.) She worked as his secretary for a while. Then one day, Leakey told Goodall he wanted to send her to the African rain forest10 to study chimpanzees. She would have to (need to) stay awhile*. He told her that the research project11 might take as long as ten years.

Goodall was excited by the opportunity12, but officials worried about her safety in the African rain forest. At that time, chimpanzees were thought to be (被認為…) violent13 animals.


Chimpanzees were considered violent.

Cannibal n.

cannibalistic adj.

Many people said Goodall wouldn’t last持續 three weeks in the rain forest. They seriously under/estimated* her. Goodall’s study of the chimpanzees has lasted for(時間長度) more than forty years.

Those forty years have been full of wonderful and surprising discoveries. The more Goodall watched the chimpanzees, the more she noticed how similar they are to (different from相異) humans14. Chimpanzees, for example, show affection* in much (adv.) the same way humans do. They kiss, hug, hold hands, and even tickle one another. Goodall helped us realize that animals can experience emotions15. They know both joy and sadness16. Amazingly17, Goodall discovered that chimpanzees make and use tools. Before this discovery, scientists thought that humans were the only tool makers on earth. Goodall’s discoveries have forced18 us to look at chimps in a completely19 new way. (chick chicken)

We have realized just how much we have in common with other living things.

Goodall, who watched hens lay eggs as a little girl, has in fact taught the world another important lesson. She has shown us that a little curiosity20 and a bold21, adventurous22 spirit can lead to 導引amazing discoveries.


