課業 輔導 系統

老师你好,我时一名在昆士兰读研究生课程的留学生,在学习到AYN443 会计信息系统和分析的时候遇到了一些难题,想哟啊找一个辅导老师来辅导我,听说你们这里可以辅导的专业挺多的,请问你们可以辅导我这个课程吗?


  • 课程顾问-小管家 2021-04-09 11:26:24














    • 曼大会计金融Share Prices and Accounting Information课业辅导
    • 昆士兰研究生嵌入式辅导


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    The English version is after Chinese version







    1. 預約部分科目已安排時間、地點、課輔助教,需登入後才能預約。
    2. 個別申請已安排時段無法配合,或所需輔導科目未列於預約科目中,可提出個別申請。
    • 可直接申請課業輔導之科目請看//reurl.cc/XVbx6e(需登入淡江O365,隨時更新),未列出科目可另行申請,每位學生限另行申請1科,本學期受理另行申請之科目以10科為限
    • 申請後請等待審核及安排,無法即時安排,亦無法安排申請當日、隔日的時段請留意。
    • ​請「登入」後點選個別申請課業輔導。


    1. 已預約/申請者如有發燒、感冒、咳嗽、流鼻水、嗅/味覺異常或其他身體不適之症狀,請於輔導前主動通知業務聯絡人取消實體輔導,不列入缺席紀錄,待症狀解除後將重新安排。
    2. 實體課輔開始輔導前請確實清潔手部,輔導時應全程佩戴口罩並禁止飲食(飲水除外)。
    3. 輔導時如有發燒、感冒、咳嗽、流鼻水、嗅/味覺異常或其他身體不適之症狀者,應立刻停止輔導。


    • 承辦人:學生事務處 諮商職涯暨學習發展輔導中心 李健蘭組員
    • 電 話:(02)2621-5656 分機 3531
    • Email:
    • MS Teams:聊天-->新增聊天-->收件者輸入124468
    • 辦公室:覺生綜合大樓4樓I405
    • 上班時間:週一至週五,8:00~12:00、13:00~17:00,假日除外。






    1. 預約:每節課輔最多開放3人預約。
    2. 個別申請:原則上為1~3人,但在經費限制下,可能合併同班或同科目內容的申請學生,進行10人以下的小班輔導。




    1. 請於查詢課輔時間後自行預約,若時間無法配合或欲輔導其他科目,請依規定提出個別申請預約/申請後需1至3個工作天(不含週六、日及假日)進行審核,預約後請自行至本系統或Email查詢預約結果;個別申請以Email(優先)或電話通知申請結果。不論預約或申請,結果均於2個工作天後通知。

    2. 若因故無法於已排定之時間接受課業輔導,至遲須於排定時間之24小時前以Email告知本中心或業務承辦人,若未依規定告知,視為無故未到;若超過排定之輔導時間20分鐘仍未到,視為遲到,且當次輔導課程直接取消。

    3. 每學期遲到、取消預約/申請或無故未到累積三次,取消該學期輔導資格。

    4. 本中心負責之所有課業輔導均須經預約/申請核可後方得執行,未經核可(包括學生、輔導時間及地點)的課業輔導所衍生之相關問題及薪資,不在本中心權責之內。

    5. 提出預約/申請不保證安排課業輔導。為顧及全校所有學生之權益,每人或每組之輔導時數(節數),每週以2小時(節)為原則,但本中心可視申請人數及經費額度酌予調整輔導時數(節數)。

    6. 每週預約/申請人數有限,額滿為止。


    1. 不得與課業輔導助教私下協調安排輔導時間及地點。

    2. 在課業輔導之前備妥課業問題,並以校內課業內容為限

    3. 本中心課業輔導項目不包含「代為完成作業或報告」,亦不包含「準備轉學考試、研究所考試或其他校外考試(含各類語言檢定考)」等輔導。

    4. 每次完成課業輔導後,需填寫並繳交「課業輔導回饋單」

    5. 應維持課業輔導教室之環境整潔。


    --English version--

    If you are visiting for the first time, please create a new account  first and choose the registration status correctly. After registration, you will need to wait 3 business days.
    After the review is passed, you can " Sign in" and follow the instructions to make an appointment or apply.

    A. Tutoring Time

    2022/9/19 (Mon.)~2023/1/6 (Fri.), from Monday to Friday, 8:10~21:00, except holidays. The tutoring time will be adjusted in response to COVID-19.

    B. Tutoring Subject

    You can make an appointment or apply for the subjects you are currently studying.

    C. How to make an appointment or apply

    1. To make an appointment [taught in Chinese in principle]: the time and the location of some of the subject has been arranged tutoring. Please "sign in" to the system and make an appointment.
    2. Individual Application: If you are unable to arrange the schedule or if the required tutoring subjects are not listed, please submit an individual application. 
    • The subjects that can be directly applied for tutoring please check //reurl.cc/XVbx6e (You need to log in to your TKU o365 account, and the subject will be updated). Subjects not listed can be applied additionally. Each student is limited to apply for 1 additional subject, and the maximum number of additional subjects that can be applied for this semester is 10 subjects.
    • Please wait for review and arrangement after application. And note that if you apply during non-office hours, it can neither schedule your application immediately, nor make it on the same day or the next day.
    • Please click on "Apply for tutoring" in the system.

    D. Epidemic prevention announcement

    1. If you have fever (forehead temperature ≧37.5˚C or ear temperature ≧38˚C), cold, cough, runny nose, abnormal smell/taste or other symptoms of physical discomfort, please do not attend. If you have already arranged guidance, please notify the contact person, and it will be rescheduled.

    2. Please wash your hands before entering the classroom, wear face mask and do NOT eating and drinking during tutoring.

    3. If you have fever, cough, shortness of breath, diarrhea, loss of smell, taste, etc., you should stop attending tutoring.

    E. Contact information

    • Contact person:Joy Lee, staff of Counseling, Career Development and Learning Center.
    • Phone number:(02)2621-5656 extension 3531
    • Email:
    • Office:Room I405, 4th floor, Chueh-sheng Memorial Hall.
    • Business hours:At 8:00~12:00 and 13:00~17:00 from Monday to Friday, except holidays.

    F. Rules for Tutoring Session

    1. Students should make an appointment or apply for any tutoring sessions in this system. Without the applications and the permissions from the Counseling, Career Development and Learning Center (hereinafter referred to as the CENTER), no sessions are available.

    2. The time that can arrange to guide: At 8:10~21:00 from Monday to Friday, from the 3rd week to 18th week. [The time will be adjusted in response to COVID-19.]

    3. Applicants are limited to undergraduates, including international students. Maximum number of students in one session is 3 in principle.

    4. Classroom:I303, I304 or I402of the Chueh-sheng Memorial Hall, and other classrooms borrowed by the CENTER. In order to maintain the personal safety of the students and tutors participating in the tutoring, I303 and I402 of the Center are equipped with recording equipment.

    5. Application Rules:

    • After application, it takes 1~3 business day(s) (excluding Saturday, Sunday and holidays) to review. The CENTER will notify students of information by Email (priority) or by phone after 2 business days.
    • If for some reason you cannot attend tutoring at the scheduled time, you must notify the CENTER or related people by Email at least 24 hours before the scheduled time. If you fail to notify, you will be deemed to no-show. If you don't arrive classroom over 20 minutes, it will be regarded as late and the tutoring course will be cancelled directly.
    • And with 3 times of no-show, the subject student will be disqualified for the services in the entire semester.
    • All tutoring in charge of the CENTER can only be carried out after an appointment/application is approved.
    • In principle, all tutoring sessions are no longer than two hours(sessions) each week. The CENTER may adjust the hours(sessions) based on the number of applicants and the amount of funding.
    • Apply to end when the hours(sessions) is full.

    6. Students should abide by the following rules during the tutoring period:

    • Can't decide the time and place with the tutor privately.
    • Prior to the sessions, get your questions ready.
    • The content of any tutoringsession is limited to the regular curriculum. Preparation for graduation school examination, transferring examination, language test, or other off-campus examination is not included.
    • Every session of the project, students should fill out a feedback form.
    • It is everyone’s responsibility to maintain the tidiness of the classroom.

    7. Counseling, Career Development and Learning Center has the right of change regulations.


