不忘初心方得始终meaning in english


2017-10-25 17:22 来源: 课窝学术英语




①新时代中国特色社会主义Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era.

②不忘初心,方得始终Never forget why you started, and your mission can be accomplished.

③登高望远,居安思危Aim high and look far, be alert to dangers even in times of calm.

④全面从严治党Seeing Party self-governance exercised fully and with rigor.'


No place has been out of bounds, no ground left unturned, and no tolerance shown in the fight against corruption.

⑥坚定不移“打虎”“拍蝇”“猎狐”We have taken firm action to “take out tigers”, “swat flies” and “hunt down foxes”.

⑦不想腐的堤坝正在构筑Moral defenses against corruption are in the making.

⑧行百里者半九十The last leg of a journey marks the halfway point.


We should pursue a just cause for common good.

⑩打铁还需自身硬It takes a good blacksmith to make steel.

Never forget why you started, and your mission can be accomplished.




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Synonyms Arabic German English Spanish French Hebrew Italian Japanese Dutch Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Swedish Turkish Ukrainian Chinese Ukrainian

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

never forget the beginning

keep our faith

our original aspiration

Never Forget Your Beginning Heart

Don't forget your heart

do not forget the beginning of the heart

forget to beginner's mind

Do not forget the initial heart

Looking forward



Upright: Good faith, courage, stay true to self.

不忘初心的Alluring 欧萝琳全新打造中华全国健康美业资讯平台

Do not forget the "Alluring" at the beginning of the heart, to create a new China health information platform


Work hard, live an ordinary life, keep a normal heart

山龙优秀员工李源福 - 不忘初心 全力以赴 - SCARA机器人 - 深圳市山龙智控有限公司

Shanyuan outstanding employee Li Yuanfu - do not forget the initial heart and go all out - Corporate Information - Shenzhen ShanLong intelligent control co., Ltd.


For 20 years, what we do has proved we are and will always be forging ahead with original intent!

不忘初心,共创辉煌 -2018年新年联欢会隆重举行



Group Party committee to organize party members to investigate the relationship


Senyuan Furniture is committed to creating "the first choice for consumers and best platform for practitioners." Keeping that in mind, we forge ahead!

不忘初心,长久相伴 ,我们是你更稳定可靠的合作伙伴


In the future, shenyang dapeng heavy machinery factory will continue to provide customers with quality products and services, never forget the original intention, forge ahead...

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