線索 英文


  • clue

    線索; 提示; (幫助警方破案的)線索; (縱橫填字謎、游戲或問題的)提示詞語;

  • handhold


  • key

    鑰匙; (打字機等的)鍵; 關鍵,線索,秘訣; (音樂的)調;

  • thread

    線; 線索; 線狀物; 螺紋;

  • clew



線索表threaded list

線索樹threaded list


  • 我們的心理焦慮的收集過去的點點滴滴,好像他們是剛剛發生的事情的重要線索

    our minds restlessly gather up bits of the past as if they were important clues to what just happened.

  • 警察為尋找線索把那屋子里里外外都搜遍了.

    the police ferreted about all over the house for clues.

  • 這成了被拆穿的一條線索;我得記住才行。

    so that was one of the clues; i’d have to remember.

  • 耳朵是通往他最確鑿的線索,只有音樂家才能理解那些情感之劇,而這正是他早期戲劇中真正的罕見之處。

    the ear is the sure clue to him: only a musician can understand the play of feeling which is the real rarity in his early plays.

  • 但他也透露了一點線索

    but he did provide one clue.

  • 就是那個線索幫我們最終解決了問題。

    that was the clue which clinched it for us.

  • 警察根據線索追根到底,終於抓住了這個罪犯.

    the police followed home the clue and finally caught the culprit.

  • 與其說有故事情節還不如說那是通過人物的線索發展、暴力行為和奇怪的敘述轉折而結合在一起的一系列事件。

    there is not so much a plot as a series of events held together by threads of character and violence and strange turns of phrase.

  • 這樣,他們對於這多樣性存在的線索知道很少。

    thus, they have few clues as to why this diversity exists.

  • 請記住,當業務團隊聽取架構師的建議時,他們沒有您實際執行內容的任何線索

    keep in mind that when the business teams hear from architects, they have no clue what you actually do.

  • 訪客回執為你提供了如何更好地滿足您的目標市場的線索

    this provides you with clues on how to better cater to your target market.

  • 有時我打量著生日聚會上拍的照片,想要看看自己能不能找到線索

    sometimes i look at the photo from the party to see if i can find any clues.

  • 從整理你的觀察名單開始,學會利用這次危機和衰退提供的線索對名單進行精簡。

    start by pruning your watch list to learn how to use the clues that this crisis and recession have provided.

  • 上下文提供的理解其含義的線索

    contextual clues to the meaning

  • 警方急盼任何可能知道這批武器下落的人提供線索

    the police are anxious to hear from anyone who may know the whereabouts of the firearms.

  • 但像我這樣非常智慧的人,我們知道這些秘密,我可以給你們提示,線索,如果你們知道了這些,就可以用這些秘密,打開通向神身邊的大門。

    but really wise guys like me, we have the secrets and i can give you words,clues,secrets that if you know those things you can use these secrets to unlock the gates that lead back to god.

  • 警察根據線索追根到底,終於抓住了這個罪犯。

    the police followed home the clue and finally caught the culprit.

  • 對於我們如何判斷他人的行為,科學家已經找到了一些線索

    scientists already have some clues about how we judge the actions of another person.

  • 警方認為那盤錄像帶可能錄有能確認兇手身份的一些重要線索

    the police think the videotape may hold some vital clues to the identity of the killer.

  • 你可以給我提供一些有關那件事的線索 嗎 ?

    can you give me some track to it?

  • 警方出大筆賞金要求提供那起搶劫案的破案線索.

    the police are offering a big reward for information about the robbery.

  • 您可以查看下一節將要介紹的日志,其中就問題所在提供了一些線索

    you look at the logs in the next section, which offer some clues as to where the problem lies.

  • 記者抓到了丑聞的一點線索,於是對這個女演員窮追不舍.

    journalists caught a whiff of scandal and pursued the actress relentlessly.

  • 但這些線索又說明什么呢?

    but what do these clues mean?

  • 科學家們將進一步研究粒子的圖像,作為探索物質和宇宙本質的線索

    they「ll study images of the particles for clues to the nature of matter and the universe.

  • 不不要浪費你的時間和才華用來做一些幼稚的事,我再次提醒你不要改變別人系統中的任何東西因為搶劫總是在不留下任何線索的情況下完成的。

    do not waste your time and as well as your talent doing childish stuff and again i」d recommend you not to change anything in the system as robbery is always done with no clues left.

  • 我們會很快抓到他們的,我們已經有了一些線索和頭緒。

    we will get them and get them soon. we have some definite clues and leads.

  • 缺乏線索使警察當局受阻.

    the absence of clues baffled the police.

  • 他的家人不久就通過這些線索找到了程國榮。

    his family soon found him with the help of these clues.

  • 利用任何能找到的上下文的線索來理解你所聽到的。

    use any contextual clues available to you to begin to understand what you hear.

  • 有一些線索可尋。

    there are some clues.

  • 現在,你已經很有希望得到一些線索來說明到底是什么吸引了你的眼球,比較困難的部分是如何加工畫面來強調你發現的這些元素。

    now that you have hopefully gotten some sort of clue as to what it is that attracted your eye, the hard part is to refine the image to emphasize whatever it is.

  • 這是一個事關繼續發生的謀殺案的線索

    this is the clue as to what is going on.

  • 我鼓勵你順著這條線索再走走。

    i encourage you to follow that thread.

  • 她的眼睛探究他的臉好像在尋找一些線索

    her eyes searched his face as though looking for some clue.


